Who we are
Our purpose is to help people save more of their hard earned paychecks by avoiding needless online spending.
What inspires us
We all have financial goals that we’re working to achieve.
Some are long term goals that reflect a desire to build wealth and achieve financial independence like saving for retirement. Others are shorter term goals like saving for a new car or a downpayment on a house. While other goals revolve around supporting others, like saving for your kid’s college tuition or supporting your local church or charity.
Regardless, we all want to be able to afford a quality of life that brings us joy while also saving enough of our hard earned money for the goals we’re trying to achieve. We believe that technology can empower people to make smarter decisions when it comes to how we shop online – enabling them to save more, and waste less.
What grounds us
Too many people struggle to save or invest their hard earned paychecks. Waiting until the end of the month to save whatever is left over in your checking account is just not a realistic strategy for most people to create meaningful savings or build wealth.
One of the biggest culprits is the relentless pressures of online shopping. It has never been easier to buy something online, whether it is on the web or on your smartphone. Regardless of whether your purchase is needed (or even wanted when it shows up on your doorstep), online shopping can be addictive and can lead to patterns of behavior that contribute to financial, emotional and psychological distress.
We believe that technology can empower people to make smarter financial decisions and in the process help us to realize the financial goals we’re all working to achieve.
The Product
Earnie is a first-of-its-kind budgeting and savings tool available in beta form for download in the Google Chrome Store (coming soon…) that helps you save your hard earned money by eliminating unnecessary online shopping.
Earnie seamlessly integrates into how we shop online and uses real-time “nudges” rooted in behavioral science to redirect people’s impulse to shop online toward their savings goals.